Our Services

While traditional hiking focuses on physical fitness or recreation, our therapeutic hiking sessions are intentional, guided experiences designed to promote emotional healing, self-reflection, and personal growth. Led by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, these sessions integrate mindfulness, grounding techniques, and reflective practices, creating a safe space to process emotions while reconnecting with nature

We offer group and 1:1 sessions

  • Therapeutic Nature Walks

  • Resilience Hikes

  • Meditation in Nature

  • Mindful Journaling 

  • Water Therapy 

  • Resilience Nature-Based Activities


  • 20-minute free discovery call

  • 45-minute Activity Assessment $75

  • Base pay 1 hour minimum $150

  • Prices may vary depending on the extent of activity, driving time, equipment needed, etc

Please inquire regarding a sliding scale if you are facing financial hardship.

Contact us

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few are dirt”-John Muir